
Max Matiash was a creative, awesome, funny guy who was a fan of Grading Animals, and who I became friends with over the pandemic online. I hired him to do the poster for Grading Animals and he had started some rough animations for episodes that never came out. I chatted with him very often over the years. I just learned of his death yesterday.


A day late and a half hour short and a second try episode!

The More U Know

Did u ever think about going to college again, again? Well thats what I been thunkin about this episoded.

Advanced Clown Tawk 401 (feat. Ralf Jean Pierre)

Today we are joined by my old friend, Emmy Winning Actor, Rapper-Songwriter, Comedian, Podcaster & Professor Ralf Jean Pierre! Our conversation touches on failure, growth, transcendence and pursuit, but becomes too mired in clown theater gibberish to make any sense to anyone.

The Futurists

Big thank you to all the podcast listeners! This episode was brought to you by Google news as well

Anniversary Birthday COVID Spectacular!

Kind of an overall downer of an episode, but honestly not all anniversaries, birthdays or COVID diagnoses are happy occasions. Still I pulled it off with Daylight Savings to spare!


I am pissed for not calling back Darrold when I was talking about Cayenne. Looks like I sure did ‘drive’ the episode… into the side of a building :(